Michel Titin-Schnaider

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My album "Oratorio de l'indicible" is presented on Classica (*** on the Poissons d'Or). To read the article

Butoh-Concert in Centre Dunois (Paris)

Diffusion électro-acoustique spatialisée et Danse Butoh on Centre Dunois

Solo of Nathalie Lenclos, musique: Homophonie and Ambitus. To see the video.

Photo : Fabrice Pairault

Creation of the "Oratorio de l'indicible" with Lorna Lawrie...up to the indicible !

Photo : Fabrice Pairault Photo : Fabrice Pairault Photo : Fabrice Pairault
Photo : Fabrice Pairault Photo : Fabrice Pairault Photo : Fabrice Pairault

Festival Longueur d'Onde (Brest)

The festival Longueur d'onde (Les Immédiatiques) play the Symphonie pour un Cycliste.


Butoh-Concert in EASF (Paris)

Concert and butoh dances in l'espace des arts sans frontière

France Musique: Electromania

France Musique: Electromania play the Prologue of the Oratorio de l'indicible.To listen go to the page Radio.

Radio Libertaire: Place aux fous

Radio Libertaire 89.4 I'm invited by Eric Tessier on Place aux fous to present my last album l'Oratorio de l'indicible - Lovecraft and the musics he inspired... (very good choice for a vendredi 13 !) To listen go to the page Radio.

Radio Libertaire: Epsilonia

Radio Libertaire 89.4 Epsilonia "electrons libres" play "Composition pour 60 oscillateurs" To listen go to the page Radio.

Radio Aligre: Songs of Praise

Radio Aligre 93.1 I'm invited by Songs of PraiseTo listen go to the page Radio.

the same day Phonogène (Radio RDR) play all the Oratorio de l'indicible.


Nuit blanche of Contemporary Art (Paris)

Au Centre sportif Saint Germain à Paris 6ème :


"Fête de la musique" in Brunoy

In the CMCL of Brunoy (Centre Municipal de Culture et de Loisirs).
Four hours of acousmatic music and butoh performances (improvisations), with Marianela Leon Ruiz, Yana Schmergel, Nathalie Lenclos and Sachiko Ishikawa


Radio Libertaire: Place aux fous

I dedicated this program to my favorites "sounds adventurers": Ivan Wychnegradsky, Pierre Henry, Gyorgy. Ligeti, Giacinto. Scelci, Morton Feldman, La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela, Karlheinz Stockhausen... To listen go to the page Radio

Concert in the "Société de Curiosité" (Paris)

Acousmatic concert in the Société de Curiosités with Camille Delafon and Mathieu Combetteg.


Acousmatic concert in Naxos Bobine (Paris)

photo Fabrice Pairault photo Fabrice Pairault
photo Fanny Boudrant photo Fabrice Pairault

Butoh-concert in Vélizy

Two performances from the Baba de Plata Cie with Inoxophonie-Ataraxie and Ambitus-London.



News on the magazine "Le Cycle".

Inoxophonie and Ataraxie-25 are played in Brighton and Madrid by the butoh Cie Baba de Plata.

Exposition "Talents cachés" on the city of Brunoy. I present an "electro-acoustic totem"


Diffusions on the Epsilonia radio program on Radio Libertaire

"Inoxophonie" is played on RadioHDR (Phonogène by Hubert Michel)


"Symphonie pour un cycliste" is played on "Elegies et Harmonies" by Michel Fernand

"Homophonie"is played on "Sounds and emotions" (radio Brussels FM)