Michel Titin-Schnaider

R A D I O   P R O G R A M S

Some excerpts of the radio programs related to my albums

10th of november 2022

Radio program Epsilonia on Radio Libertaire
About the album EPIV2022

Excerpt :

22th of july 2022

Radio program Place aux Fous on Radio Libertaire
About the album KorDoeForLy8

Excerpt :

11th of november 2021

Radio program Epsilonia on Radio Libertaire
About the album KoRDoEFoRLy8

Emission :

29th of september 2016

Radio Program Place aux Fous on Radio Libertaire
About the festival En Chair et en Son, with Elizabeth Damour, Denis Sanglard and Fabian Fischer

Emission :

10th of June 2016

Radio Program Place aux Fous on Radio Libertaire
About my last album Diptyques#1

Emission :

12th of may 2016

Radio program Epsilonia on Radio Libertaire
Comments on my album Diptyques#1

Excerpt of the program :

16th of october 2015

Radio program Place aux fous on Radio Libertaire
A special program dedicated to the project of butoh-acousmatic festival EN CHAIR ET EN SON, with Maki Watanabe and Frédéric Mathevet

Full radio program :

8th of january 2015

Radio program EPSILONIA électron libre on Radio Libertaire
Dedicated to my last album "la mort de la transcendance" on the label obs*

Full radio program :

27th of june 2014

Radio program Place aux fous by Eric Tessier on Radio Libertaire
Dedicated to my last album "la mort de la transcendance" on the label obs*

Full radio program :

25th of october 2013

Radio program Place aux fous by Eric Tessier on Radio Libertaire
Carte blanche ! A set of musics I love: Arvo Part, Alvin Lucier, Patrick Dorobitz, Wielfried Wendling, Nicolas Senty, Kasper Toeplitz,...

Full radio program :

12th of september 2013

Carte blanche in EPSILONIA - electrons libres on Radio Libertaire

Full radio program :

23th of november 2012

Radio program Place aux fous by Eric Tessier on Radio Libertaire
Dedicated to my project Oratorio de l'indicible (duo with Gael Lapierre, excerpts in live) and to my new album "D'après Pangéa"

Full radio program :

27th of may 2011

Radio program Place aux fous by Eric Tessier on Radio Libertaire
Dedicated to the butoh dance and the compagny Seuil

Full radio program :

31th of march 2011

Radio program Epsilonia - Electrons libres on Radio Libertaire

Dedicated to my composition "Le chant des cendres": Excerpt :

4rd of december 2010

Radio program Diaphoraccord on Radio Campus Paris, with Rémy Yadan and Matthieu Gagelin

Full radio program :

November 2010

Radio program Destination Soleil on Otoradio
Dedicated to my work "Japon"
a sound travel in japan, commented step by step

Full radio program :

15th of october 2010

Radio program Place aux fous by Eric Tessier on Radio Libertaire
Dedicated to my last album "Barrières"

Full radio program :

4rd of october 2010

Songs of Praise on Radio Aligre 93.1

Carte blanche: I've selected excerpt from Ivan Wychnegradsky, Marc André Dalbavie, Kaija Saahiaro and Alvin Lucier, and also from my last album " Barrieres"

Full radio program (1h30) :

17th of november 2009

France Musique Electromania by C. Zanési, D. Jisse and C. Bourseiller
The Prologue of the Oratorio de l'indicible, commented by C. Zanési

13th of november 2009

Radio program Place aux fous by Eric Tessier on Radio Libertaire
Dedicated to the Oratorio de l'indicible (for this vendredi 13 !)
HP Lovecraft, the musics he inspired.

Full radio program :

12th of november 2009

Radio Libertaire, Composition pour 60 oscillateurs Epsilonia - electrons libres :

2nd of november 2009

Songs of Praise on Radio Aligre 93.1
La Tentation Anarchiste, Innsmouth, Nyarlathotep, London 1848, oXymore, Recordare-3.
Excerpts of : Le monstre sur le seuil read by Jacques Dufhilo (mixed on a music of Maryanne Amacher),
Drowning time by The Ghost Between the String, Des sphères by Jean Baptiste Favory, Two by Patrick Dorobisz

Full radio program (1h30) :

12th of june 2009

Carte blanche on Place aux fous by Eric Tessier on Radio Libertaire.
Dedicated to some of my favourite sound adventurers:
Ivan Wychnegradsky, Pierre Henry, Gyorgy Ligeti, Giacinto Scelci, Steve Reich, Morton Feldman,
La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela, Karlheinz Stockhausen...

Full radio program :

26th of december 2008

Radio program "Place aux fous - Musique" by Eric Tessier on Radio Libertaire.

Full radio program (1h30) :

15th of December 2008

"Symphonie pour un cycliste" on France Vivace Electrain de Nuit by C. Zanési and D. Jisse.

8th of May 2008

"London 1848" on France Musique Electromania by C. Zanési, D. Jisse and C. Bourseiller.

6th of March 2008

"Ambitus" on France Musique Electromania by C. Zanési, D. Jisse and C. Bourseiller